
(Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash)

Kids his age bike down our streets. Flipping back their faux hawks, all lean shoulders and easy smiles. They chatter about Fortnite and Roblox and things I am too uncool to know. They yell and joke, their laughter carrying faint traces of the men they will soon become. Their parents worry about grades and missed projects. After school piano classes and weekend soccer practice. Pre teen boys, caught between disappearing childhoods and middle school crushes. How complicated they seem to me!Continue reading“Uncomplicated.”


Most people are jerks when they’re young. Flush with the arrogance that being 17 and 20 brings, they often say and do a lot of things they don’t believe deep within their hearts. Now the catch is that they’re privileged enough to not have to know better. They can afford to bully and mock, because they’re never the victims of society. Rich kids tweeting about casteism, when they’ve done zilch to help. Tone deaf Instagram posts to gain social clout. Folded hands and earnest words, thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.

Continue reading“Jerks.”

Part of me.

What does depression look like?

My WhatsApp folder is filled with endless pictures of Sushant Singh Rajput. His bravery in the face of adversity, his energy, his spirit. Instagram has page after page of real fans, crying about how much he meant to them. How much they saw themselves in him.Continue reading“Part of me.”

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