Sir David Attenbowow.

I’m a sucker for anything related to Sir David Attenborough. The almost-96-year-old naturalist is a passionate advocate for conservation and a wholesome staple in every household. An inspiration to children and adults alike, Sir David also possesses that classic dry British humor with a touch of cheek.  And that automatically lends itself to numerous well-intentioned memes. Continue reading“Sir David Attenbowow.”



Apparently, dogs love praise. They need it; they enjoy it, and they thrive on it. 

“The gift of positive reinforcement is something every puppy strives for. It boosts confidence and strengthens the bond between owner and pup.” – direct quote from an online dog training course I signed up for.Continue reading“Lies.”

Two men and a dog.

Let me tell you a story. A story of two men and a little dog.

The front yard fence had been replaced by a newer, sturdier design. Long, horizontal slats of wood had been nailed to posts after careful measurements. But Minnie’s dad was still worried. From her past misadventures, he was sure she’d squeeze between the fence’s pickets and hightail it to the McDonald’s nearby. He wanted to be certain it was corgi-proof. The Handyman — who’d been extra thorough in his estimations — assured him it was. But Dad wasn’t convinced. So he set up a test.

Continue reading“Two men and a dog.”

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