
“Mommy, I’m scared.” “Oh Jonathan, not again. We talked about this, remember? You need to sleep, you have a big day tomorrow with the field trip.” “But”… “Trust me on this honey. I promise you. There are no such things as monsters.” “Ok, mommy. You really promise?” “I do, baby.” …

Let it go.

When I think back to my childhood, I often go through a quick mental Rolodex of half blurry images — carnival music, the ocean, playing with my cousin, grandma’s food, reading with my mom, my sister tugging on my sleeve. And then somehow, those memories creep into view. Kids laughing …

Perfectly average

Somewhere in the first year post spawning my older son, I dropped all pretense of perfection. The first to go were any and all attempts at using concealers and other makeup miscellanies (seriously, does anyone really know how primers work, or if they even do)? I traded in my sleek …


She was a hard one to read. Oh you’ll know right away if she was mad or getting ready to deliver a snippy comment (always obvious from the way she scrunched up her face). But on the whole, as an entire person….well, it was impossible to just pigeonhole her and …

Ghost stories

I just love a good spooky story. Horror/slasher books and movies give me a legit high. No blood needs to be spilled honestly- even a simple, disquieting short film will have me yearning for more.When I was growing up, my dad would gather us in a dark bedroom and feast …

Baby steps

Button walked when he was 14 months old. He was this chunky baby, just oozing chub and so we weren’t worried when he didn’t meet some of his gross motor milestones. He’ll walk when he’s ready we told ourselves and continued kissing those fat toes. Well, he needed help to …

Inhala Exhala

You know those days that start off nice and peachy? The weather is just right, the air rich with birdsong. You’re on a high from your morning run and the coffee has been brewed oh so perfectly. You can picture your entire day unfolding ahead of you in beautifully sectioned …

Valentine’s day

We’ve been married almost 13 years. We’re not the limber, young newlyweds – ready to drop everything to run away on a weekend together. We’ve aged, we’ve changed and we’ve learned so much about ourselves and each other. We’ve had 2 kids together, changed endless diapers, laughed together at baby …


There comes a stage in your parenthood where your child knows more about something than you do. I pride myself on being pretty smart and knowledgeable about a variety of things kid related. I have been able to successfully explain games/trends/activities to my kids without sneakily checking “rules of scrabble …

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