
A spell over me. You cast and saunter away like you couldn’t care less.Sometimes I wish to be that stoic.Today I’m just happy to feel. See right now we‘re about to talk for the first time. And even though I haven’t heard your voice before, I seem to know exactly …

My Second Wedding

Back in 2005, I had an arranged-love marriage. We did the whole 3 day Jewelry-food-makeup-million guests thing.  and I was a delighted 22-year-old, madly in love and so happy to be having my dream wedding.My husband however was less than pleased. He has been raised outside India so a lot of …

My Space

It doesn’t seem like much. There’s no leather chair inviting you to sit. No gilded tomes whispering wise secrets into your ears. Not a single glass of scotch – the author’s best friend. Instead there’s chaos. Princess stickers and bright colors. A shopping list crumpled in the corner. Wires and …

A Mother’s Promise

I have been a storyteller  for as long as I remember. From my very first written story at age 5, to the endless evenings I spent regaling my (oft bored) younger sister with tales of monsters and maidens, the art of storytelling has held immense appeal to me. I have …

I am sorry!

I’m sorry I haven’t been active lately. I got published in multiple places and that has been super exciting! I promise to share more here soon!  And if that doesn’t win you over, bonus puppy picture!

Ta-ta Dreams.

So my 4-year-old, Reya has been showing a lot of interest in the local currency. Denominations, using coins instead of  notes, basic addition and subtraction, helping with paying at the store- she’s been really enjoying the concept of Money. We also use a reward system, wherein she can earn tokens …

Captain SuperPants

A weekday morning conversation between husband and me Raghav: Hey, have you seen my phone? Me: No, not really. Did you check the nightstand? Your desk? R: Not there. Me: Really? Ok,let me call you? R: It’s on silent mode. Me: 😒😒😒 R: You know what, try calling. Maybe it’ll vibrate …

Two Peas in a Pod

I often don’t realize how good I’ve got it. A darling husband, a couple of exciting jobs and two gooey, adorable kids. The grass is green, there’s a song on my lips and the first breeze of a lazy summer, tickles my freshly done hair.In the immortal words of the …

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