Just ask my little boy.

Corgis are magic. You couldn’t convince me otherwise.

They are tiny, ridiculous puffs of energy – all heart and floof. And they are bright. Incredibly so. Minnie gently waited, nosed, and hung around our autistic son for a WHOLE YEAR, before he reciprocated. She didn’t give up; she won him over and now they’re thick as thieves.Continue reading“Just ask my little boy.”

Dear Decade-gone-by.

(I’m a storyteller and I cannot resist the pull of weaving a good tale. I love to regale my audience, make them gasp at all the right moments; the words ebbing and flowing with a life of their own. Soon I disappear,  but no one notices, because they’re immersed, lost in that make-believe world. And when the story ends -stunned silence! Disoriented, the audience looks at each other with a smile, the echoes of the final words still ringing in their ears. And I wait back, behind the curtains, pleased to have been in their heads for a few, long moments. This might be a long read, but I promise you. It’s worth your time.)Continue reading“Dear Decade-gone-by.”

On a streak!

Last January, around this time, I made myself a tiny resolution:  “For 365 days, I will work on a new skill and excel at it.”

The next step was finding a skill I did want to learn. Sewing/Knitting? No, not my cup of tea. Swimming? I already knew how to swim, plus hello? I loved my colored hair and was not about to dunk it in chlorine every day. Continue reading“On a streak!”

Orange Flower Awards 2020

The Orange Flower Awards 2020, hosted by Women’s Web happens on the 26th of Jan, and I’ve the privilege of being nominated in 3 categories!
‘Promising New Blogger’, ‘Parent Blogging’,  and ‘Short Fiction.’
If you plan to be in Mumbai on the 25th of January, consider attending the awards. It’s a daylong event with many powerful speakers. Passes are still available at https://www.orangeflowerfestival.com/.

Continue reading“Orange Flower Awards 2020”

#amwriting challenge

I popped on over to the Momspresso Facebook page for the #amwriting challenge. These are weekly challenges and it was my delightful turn to select a prompt and share it with Momspresso’s vast audience. I will be helping choose a winner within a week and I’m pumped to read all the stories they come up with.Continue reading“#amwriting challenge”

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