I popped on over to the Momspresso Facebook page for the #amwriting challenge. These are weekly challenges and it was my delightful turn to select a prompt and share it with Momspresso’s vast audience. I will be helping choose a winner within a week and I’m pumped to read all the stories they come up with.
My #amwriting prompt – A love letter to someone in 2019.
Once the camera switched off, I crept back into my pajamas and started the kids’ bedtime routines. I scrubbed off the lipstick and religiously applied eye serum. The puppy needed petting and Nirav yawned in my face. I tossed my hair like a 90s actress, waved to an imaginary fan and relived my 5 minutes in the spotlight.
Until next time, Paparazzi!
Watch my video here : https://www.facebook.com/Momspresso/videos/572684359799311/?comment_id=572703859797361¬if_id=1578462184622280¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic